Disability-Affirming Practices

  • Parenting Done Differently: Parents with Disabilities

    “In this podcast series, Marjorie Aunos hosts conversations exploring how parenting can be done differently and how professionals can best support parents with disabilities. Marjorie is a clinical psychologist, author, and researcher from Montreal who has dedicated her career to working with parents with intellectual disabilities and then also became a parent with disabilities herself” (CASCW).

  • On Demand Training for Professionals Supporting Parents with Disabilities

    “Sooner SUCCESS is happy to offer these quick, practical lessons to help you broaden your knowledge base about the challenges facing parents with disabilities in Oklahoma as well as share help tips, ideas, and resources that can make your work more effective” (The University of Oklahoma).

  • Resources for Health Providers

    Resources from disAbility Maternity Care “Women with a disability experience particular disadvantage especially in relation to reproductive health and parenting. Research has shown that many health professionals know little about providing childbearing care or information to this consumer group. It is further magnified by a lack of specific maternity resources for women with disability, especially in Australia.

    Evidence-based research is limited in this area, particularly in relation to the provision of pregnancy or birthing care for women with a disability. This section of the website contains information and articles to assist health professionals supporting and providing care for women with disabilities during pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period. Each article is presented in blog format with links to further resources and information specific to each topic” (disAbility Maternity Care).