Disability Organizations

  • Disabled Parenting Project


  • Adaptive Parent Project

    “Adaptive Parent Project (APP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering parents with all types of disabilities. The goal of Adaptive Parent Project (APP) is to provide an all inclusive resource and a central hub to connect parents with disabilities to one another as well as professionals in various specialties” (APP).

  • https://otservices.wustl.edu/items/parenting-with-disabilities/

    Washington University School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy Services, Parenting With Disabilities

    “Periodically, parents with disabilities may find themselves in search of adaptive equipment, or alternate approaches to a parenting task. Upon uncovering this need, our team of specially trained clinicians created the parenting with disabilities program to address these requests. Through this program, we are able to partner with parents one-on-one to equip them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to safely and independently parent the way they want to throughout each stage of the child’s life.” (OT Services, WUSL)

  • National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities

    “The National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities conducts research and provides training and technical assistance to improve the lives of parents with disabilities and their families. We share our findings here on this website. We also offer information sheets, research briefs, and other resources” (NRCPD).

  • German National Association of Disabled Parents

    “In 1999 we founded the national association of disabled and chronically ill parents (bbe e.V.). Together we wish to represent and assert the rights and interests of disabled mothers and fathers in Germany. The aim of the association is to enable disabled and chronically ill people who are parents, parents-to-be, or who wish to have children to make their own life choices. For this we are setting up a nationwide information network where people seeking advice can find answers to their personal questions; we share the experience we have gathered about conception, pregnancy, birth and parenthood among people with disabilities or chronic illnesses. We also provide information to health and social work professionals such as midwives, gynaecologists, counsellors in family education facilities and youth work etc., to dismantle prejudices and make practical help possible”(bbe e.V).

  • Through The Looking Glass

    “Our mission is To provide and encourage respectful and empowering services—guided by personal disability experience and disability culture—for families that have children, parents, or grandparents with disability or medical issues” (Through The Looking Glass).

  • Disability, Pregnancy & Parenthood

    “DisabledParent.org.uk is a website belonging to Disability, Pregnancy & Parenthood, a user-led registered charity that promotes better awareness and support for disabled people during pregnancy and as parents.

    Our mission is to provide Deaf and disabled people, their families and service providers with information and shared experience on all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting.

    We recognise the important role Deaf and disabled people play in identifying solutions to their own challenges and that these solutions can be of benefit others. This site shares some of that knowledge and experience that we have been collecting since 1998. And now, this site provides opportunities for disabled parents and their professional allies to share that expertise more directly with others (DPPI)”

  • disAbility Maternity Care

    “Our Mission

    To be Australia’s leading organisation for empowering parents with disabilities to

    succeed. We support parents and their families through raising awareness and

    informing the conversation, educating providers and connecting parents to

    community services (disAbility Maternity Care).

  • Spinal Cord Injury BC Parenting Chapter

    “This chapter will discuss common questions and concerns about parenting and spinal cord injury, highlighting adaptive equipment, resources and peer support networks to help make your transition into parenthood smoother” (Spinal Cord Injury BC).

  • Sooner Success Supporting Parents with Disabilities

    “Resources and Information on Supporting Parents with Disabilities, Online Training Modules to Support Parents with Disabilities” (Sooner Success).